Thanks to the photographic wizardry of Joep Olthuis of Shutter Up & Shoot, we’re proud to unveil our 2020 team photo.
While it appears we are standing together for this group shot, each person was photographed individually, and Joep pieced us all together, even providing the stunning backdrop of the inlet and mountains surrounding Rocky Point Park.
2020 has been a tough year for the team, as dragon boating is still docked as a sport. The team has found other ways to keep in shape and stay in touch, with kayaking, online yoga with Dorota and dryland strength training with Coach Kris over Zoom.
Once a week some of the team meet for distanced coffee chats outside and Thursdays are still legion nights in small distanced groups.
“It was a labour of love for Joep who manipulated us into a cohesive group,” said team president, Brian Kenny. “Besides team members receiving the picture, copies have been given to the mayors of Port Moody and Coquitlam with an enclosed letter focused on our team’s ability to stay together. As seniors, we need support from those in power to consider our demographic when making changes. Also, copies of the picture have been mailed to all of our sponsors who have given us financial support. Their continued support is critical for us to keep functioning as a team.”
Until we can be back on the water, we remain together in spirit!