Nothin’ Dragon Masters held out AGM on Oct. 28 in the Centennial Room of the Dogwood Pavilion in Coquitlam.
Several positions on the executive were up for nomination and voting in.
Congratulations to returning and new executive members:
President: Brian Kenny
Vice President: Brent Murphy
Treasurer: Willie Savage
Secretary: Linda Corcoran
Fundraising: Sandra Foubert
Race Registrar: Warren Fox
Captain: Denise Nelson
Asst. Captain: Steven Chung
Committee members:
Boat Maintenance: Warren Fox
Coffee Mornings: Trish and John Wintle
Communications: Marjorie Wong
Dragon Boat Management: Linda Corcoran / Denise Nelson
Equipment (Tents): Ed Foss
Membership: Cheryl Plume
Old Mill Boathouse Liaison: Pat Johnson
Recycling: Julie Asselstine
Safety: Donna Nyberg
Social (parties): Darlene Galer
Sunshine: Elizabeth Scales
Uniforms: Laney Bryenton
Boat Booking Agent: Vacant
Team members of Nothin’ Dragon Masters at the AGM held at Dogwood Pavilion’s Centennial Room.