Nothin’ Dragon Masters held our annual general meeting on Nov. 17 in the Old Mill Boathouse.
Congratulations to returning and new executive members:
President: Brian Kenny
Vice President: Brent Murphy
Treasurer: Willie Savage
Secretary: Jan Kenny
Fundraising: Sandra Foubert
Race Registrar: Denise Nelson
Captain: Vacant
Asst. Captain: Steven Chung
Committee members:
Boat Maintenance: Warren Fox
Coffee Mornings: Trish and John Wintle
Facebook: Marjorie Wong
Dragon Boat Management: Linda Corcoran / Denise Nelson
Equipment (Tents): Brent Joel / Linda Corcoran
Membership: Cheryl Plume
Old Mill Boathouse Liaison: Pat Johnson
Recycling: Julie Asselstine
Safety: Donna Nyberg
Social: Marlene Fox
Sunshine: Elizabeth Scales
Uniforms: Laney Bryenton
Boat Booking Agent: Vacant